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30 years of Interreg - InterregTalks

30 years of Interreg - InterregTalks

See here why cooperation between regions is central. #cooperationIscentral

Interreg is celebrating its 30th anniversary this year. To mark this occasion, Interreg Central programme asked EU leaders what they thought about Interreg and gathered several brief, yet concise statements given by the Interreg community representatives on the cross-border and transnational level. These for example include:

- the statement of the member of the European Committee of Regions and Mayor of Prague, Mr Zdenĕk Hřib on the importance of even the smallest of regions,

- the thoughts of experienced European Commissioner for Budget and Administration, Austria's Johannes Hahn on Interreg that stands for the truly European spirit of crossing borders, or

- the statement of the German Member of the European Parliament, Mr Niklas Nienass on how he wished that more money would be spent on important regional connections.

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