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EU funding for expanding Industrial Business Zone Lendava

EU funding for expanding  Industrial Business Zone Lendava

Ljubljana, 5 March 2021 – Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy has issued a funding decision for the project Expansion of industrial area in the Industrial Business Zone Lendava. The EUR 318,000 development project will be carried out by municipality Lendava and supported by the European Regional Development Fund with a contribution of EUR 193,000.  

Municipal authorities wish to make site-wide improvements to the industrial business zone to support business expansion and growth in an otherwise demographically endangered area which is notorious for recording the highest unemployment rates in Slovenia. The goal of the project is to expand or create new industrial workspace through site development, which will include construction of a road and laying of the relevant utility infrastructure to create new workspace that will meet the needs of today's businesses. The investment will create conditions that allow micro enterprises, SMEs and large enterprises to run business, support job creation in the region and increase added value, making the industrial business zone the driving force of local economy.


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