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EU funding for reducing flood risks in Dravinja and Polskava River areas

EU funding for reducing flood risks in Dravinja and Polskava River areas

Ljubljana, 12 January 2021 – Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy has issued a funding decision for the project Reducing flood risks in the Drava River basin – Dravinja and Polskava Rivers. The EUR 18.2 million river basin management project which will be implemented by the Slovenian Water Agency will receive a contribution from the European Regional Development Fund amounting to over 7.1 million euros.  

This river basin management project aims to reduce flood risks in five municipalities lying along the Dravinja and Polskava Rivers, namely Majšperk, Slovenske Konjice, Videm, Kidričevo and Slovenska Bistrica. The project will help better protect properties and homes of over 2,800 residents, with the number of flood-prone buildings shrinking by 945.

The planned comprehensive flood risk reduction measures in the Drava River basin and along its tributaries will help tackle flood events, ensuring that the area is better protected from flooding and more resilient to future flooding.


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