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EU funding for the development and rollout of new wood products

EU funding for the development and rollout of new wood products

Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy has issued a funding decision for the call for proposals Incentives for SMEs to develop and roll out new wood industry 4.0 products. Total funding from the European Regional Development Fund available under the call for proposals amounts to EUR 6.2 million. The call for proposals has been published by the Slovene Enterprise Fund.

The goal of the call for proposals is to provide co-financing of projects of wood industry enterprises that will demonstrate improvements in energy and material efficiency and production capacity through the rollout of new or improved wood products. The goal is to support the development and roll out of new or improved products in the area of processing of wood and wood-based materials as well as to address the long-term impact of COVID-19 on the industry by strengthening investment in modernisation of technological equipment of wood industry enterprises.   

Call for proposals:  Spodbude za MSP za razvoj in uvajanje novih produktov 4.0 (in Slovene)

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