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EU funding for support environment for culture-related activities

EU funding for support environment for culture-related activities

Ljubljana, 30 December 2019 – Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy, the Managing Authority for ERDF, ESF and Cohesion Fund, has issued a grant decision for the call for proposals “Support environment for culture-related activities 2020” to be published next Friday by the Ministry of Culture. The call for proposals worth a little under EUR 742,000 will receive European Social Fund support in the amount of over EUR 593,000.

 The call for proposals seeks to establish support environment for culture-related activities which focus on enhancing employability, competence building and supporting social inclusion for the unemployed and the inactive, especially those over 50, the long-term unemployed and those with education level below ISCED 3, as well as those in the process of losing their employment.

 The objective of the call for proposals is inclusion of individuals into culture-related projects which will bring a one-year full-time employment contract for new or already-established posts, as well as inclusion into an at least 174-hour training course including mentorship. The call for proposals will contribute to raising the employment rate, competence building and supporting social inclusion.

 The call for proposals is open to non-government cultural organisations, public institutes, public agencies and public funds registered to perform culture and art-related activities as well as those registered to poses cultural goods in Slovenia which fulfil the general and specific conditions of the call for proposals.

 For more information, please refer to the Ministry of Culture.

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