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EU funding for University of Maribor

EU funding for University of Maribor

Ljubljana, 6 July 2020 - Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy has issued a grant decision for the project “Upgrading National Research Infrastructures – RIUM” worth just under EUR 30 million euros. European Regional Development Fund contribution amounts to EUR 23 million.

The purpose of the project is to upgrade the research infrastructure of the University of Maribor in research areas that have breakthrough potential, support the development of knowledge important for the economy of Slovenia and Europe and can indirectly contribute to strengthening entrepreneurial potential and increasing added value.

Research equipment is a prerequisite for conducting research in the fields of advanced materials and technologies, health and food safety, smart energy and circular systems, i.e. areas arising from the priorities defined in the Slovenian Smart Specialization Strategy.

Public research organizations from Slovenia will be able to use research equipment according to the principle of open research infrastructure, and to a limited extent (up to 20% of capacity) it will also be available to companies.

PHOTO: Klemen Razinger

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