Minister for Development and European Cohesion Policy, dr. Aleksander Jevšek, attended the Szentgotthárd/Monošter Forum and underscored the importance of cross-border (Interreg) programmes in overcoming administrative, language and other barriers people in cross-border regions face.
''Working together is key for mutual understanding and building trust in the cross-border area. Cooperation also opens new horizons. There will always be common challenges that go beyond national borders, so we have no alternative but to work together with our neighbours,'' Minister Jevšek underlined.
He briefly presented the cooperation programme between Slovenia and Hungary. The current 2014-2020 programme, which is drawing to a close, aims to support the development of a sustainable, safe and vibrant cross-border area by fostering green tourism. ''A total of 24 projects were approved under the programme in the period 2014-2020. The projects brought together over 100 Hungarian and Slovenian partners,'' explained the Minister.
Dr Jevšek also mentioned some of the success stories that were supported by the cooperation programme Slovenia-Hungary, such as the projects GO IN NATURE and RIGHT PROFESSION II. As part of the GO IN NATURE project, a network of nature-friendly tourism infrastructure was set up in protected areas of nature in the programme area. The project RIGHT PROFESSION II aimed to raise awareness and visibility of promising jobs in technical/scientific areas by introducing them to the young and career guidance counsellors in a fun and interesting way in order to improve student enrolment in technical education programmes despite a 10% fall in child population.
‘’We hope that the new period 2021-2027, which will actually start in the beginning of 2023, will see many more good and development-oriented project ideas that will help us take advantage of common opportunities and reduce cross-border disparities. Such projects will contribute to improving the quality of life of people living on this beautiful piece of land between Hungary and Slovenia, especially the life of young people who will recognize the benefits of living and staying in this region,’’ added Minister Jevšek.
Cohesion Policy funding essentially aims to support a balanced development of regions. On top of that, the funding from cross-border cooperation programmes or Interreg programmes contributes to reducing administrative and other obstacles that emerge from national borders, and different legislation and administrative practices on both sides of the border.