The cross-border project Right Profession and the Interreg Programme Slovenia-Hungary received a special award of the European Commission at the Interreg SLAM 2022 contest. Live performances of short-listed finalists and the award ceremony took place in Brussels today.
The award-winning project Right Profession brings together nine project partners, five from Slovenia and four from Hungary. In fact, it is a sequence of three projects named Right Profession I, Right Profession II and Dual Transfer that were implemented in two different programming periods and co-financed by the cross-border programme Slovenia-Hungary in the amount of around 1.3 million euros in ERDF funding. The general aim of the projects was to contribute to reducing the mismatches between labour supply and demand and increase employment opportunities while stepping up cooperation between education institutions in the cross-border region.
Cross-border cooperation programme Interreg Slovenia-Hungary is managed by the Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy (GODC) that submitted the application and the story of the Right Profession project that made it to the final.
Every year, the European Commission and Interact launch the Interreg SLAM competition to celebrate the achievements of Interreg programmes and projects across Europe. This year, the focus is on projects that put spotlight on the young people and contribute to the European Year of Youth 2022.
Click here to watch stage performances of the short-listed finalists and the award ceremony: