A special ceremony was held at the National Gallery of Slovenia this evening to mark the adoption of Slovenia's Cohesion Policy Programme for the period 2021-2027. Minister for Development and European Cohesion Policy, Dr Aleksander Jevšek, head of the government office that was responsible for the preparation and coordination of the programme thanked all Slovenian partners and the European Commission for the excellent work done, underlining that the efficient and effective implementation of the programme now fell on the shoulders of all stakeholders.
‘’About 3.2 billion euros will be the main source of investments in this decade in many areas, including innovation and competitiveness, social inclusion, digital transformation of the economy, and achievement of climate and biodiversity goals,’’ said Dr Aleksander Jevšek, Minister for Development and European Cohesion Policy in his remarks. Dr Jevšek added that ‘’we can be proud that we managed to get everyone on board and reach a consensus on the programme in such a short period of time.’’
According to Dr Jevšek, it is important to promote awareness of the benefits of Cohesion Policy funding for greater prosperity of Slovenians and the European Union as a whole. That is why ‘’all stakeholder must join forces, engage in inclusive and close collaboration and constructive dialogue in order to successfully carry out the programme,’’ underlined Minister Jevšek.
European Commissioner for Crisis Management, Mr Janez Lenarčič, also addressed the participants. He particularly highlighted the important links between Cohesion Policy funding and effective crisis management. ‘’Of course, the most effective way is to prevent crisis situations and I’m pleased to see that Slovenia’s 2021-2027 programme has considerable funding ring-fenced for preventive actions,’’ said Mr Lenarčič.
On this occasion, Director at Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy, Ms Sofia Alves, came to Slovenia together with the representatives of the European Commission and presented the Minister with a copy of the adopted Cohesion Policy Programme 2021-2027. She underscored that over 3.2 billion in EU funding allocated to Slovenia meant ‘’over 1,500 euros of investment per person in Slovenia, which will contribute to a balanced development of Slovenian regions.’’
‘’Even though we live in challenging times, we have been given a unique opportunity to achieve our shared goals. An unprecedented amount of European investments and support is available. Together, we can create a smarter and a more competitive Slovenia – a green and a digital Slovenia that is fairer, more connected, and more inclusive,’’ concluded Ms Alves.