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Call for proposals to overcome obstacles to cross-border cooperation

Call for proposals to overcome obstacles to cross-border cooperation

Association of European Border Regions (AEBR), in cooperation with the European Commission, has published a call for proposals whose aim is to identify and resolve the legal and administrative obstacles that hinder or prevent cooperation among EU border regions. In this context, public authorities will be able to present cases of structural obstacles of a legal or administrative nature they face in implementing projects in their own border area. The selected cases will receive support from the European Commission helping authorities to perform thorough research and evidence-based analyses and to efficiently resolve the obstacles that hinder or prevent cooperation with neighbouring countries.   

The call for proposals is open under the b-solutions pilot initiative which is one of the activities proposed in the scope of the Commission's Communication ''Boosting Growth and Cohesion in EU's Border Regions''.  

The call for proposals will be open by 21 September 2020.

Alongside, a compilation of the 43 specific cases addressed under the b-solutions initiative has been prepared showcasing the issues authorities in border areas face on a daily basis as they strive to improve cross-border cooperation.  

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