Ljubljana, 23 February 2022 – Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy has approved ERDF funding for the call for proposals Incentives for innovative start-ups in 2022 (P2 2022). The purpose of the call is to support entrepreneurship, notably by facilitating the transfer of development ideas into market-successful ventures and by supporting the creation of new innovative enterprises with growth potential.
The call for proposals aims to support the setting up of innovative enterprises, the development of minimum viable products and the launch of innovative products on the markets. The call focuses on two goals. Firstly, it supports successful performance of the majority of start-ups receiving the grant; their success shows in the number of jobs created, net sales reported and profit made. Secondly, the call aims to stimulate the entry of strategic investor(s) in several of supported enterprises and support in the form of venture capital.
Micro and small enterprises registered in the Republic of Slovenia as a natural or legal person engaged in an economic activity and organised as limited liability company, sole traders and cooperatives will be able to apply for funding under the call. The call will be published by the Slovene Enterprise Fund in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia on 4 March 2022.