S piškotki izboljšujemo vašo uporabniško izkušnjo. Z uporabo naših storitev se strinjate z uporabo piškotkov. V redu Piškotki, ki jih uporabljamo Kaj so piškotki?


Projekt je zajemal ureditev grajskega parka in okolice gradu, rekonstrukcijo oskrbnikove hiše v grajskem parku in sanacijo brežine na področju gradu Sevnica. S projektom je bila urejena okolica z grajskim parkom, vrtnarjevo vilo in dostopnimi potmi ter s tem dosežena še celovitejša urejenost širšega grajskega hriba nad starim mestnim jedrom. Obnova sedaj omogoča zagotovitev odličnih vsebin za različne dejavnosti, razvoj kulturnega turizma ter rekreacijske možnosti, dopolnitev obstoječega kulturnega dogajanja ter razvoj novih kulturno-turističnih proizvodov.

Območje: Sevnica

  • Okvirna vrednost projekta: 669.000 evrov
  • Okviren EU prispevek (Evropski sklad za regionalni razvoj): 464.000 evrov 

The project was nominated by Marko Jesih: ''A perfect example of integration of cultural heritage conservation-restoration in tourism development and overall regional development.''

The project included restoration of the castle park and castle surroundings, reconstruction of the villa in the landscaped park, and rehabilitation of the slope below the castle. Immediate surroundings of the castle have been restored to their former glory, including the park, gardener's villa and a maze of paths in the park, which has given the redeveloped slope below the castle overseeing the old town centre a fresh look. The restoration-conservation project makes the castle and its surroundings a perfect venue for various events, provides contents for development of cultural tourism and offers possibilities for recreational activities. The castle itself and its surroundings upgrade the current cultural scene and open opportunities for the development of new cultural and tourism-related products.   

Area: Sevnica

  • Indicative project value: EUR 669,000
  • Indicative EU contribution (ERDF): EUR 464,000