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With the EU funds to better drinking water in the Goriška region

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Due to a specific location of Ajdovščina and varied Karst landscape the inhabitants frequently had problems with drinking water supply. With new construction of houses on the slopes above the town these problems became even more serious. In order to provide a long-term solution, the Municipality of Ajdovščina prepared a project of the water supply for the Trnovsko Banjska plateau that was co-financed by the EU funds.

The European Commission issued a decision for this project already in November 2001. Project worth more than EUR 6 million was co-financed by the EU in the amount of 2.5 million under the pre-accession assistance (ISPA).

The project was divided into two sets and was implemented in a sensitive Karst area where the quality and quantity of drinking water are threatened in particular in a dry period due to Karst configuration of the terrain. The first set that was completed in April 2004 dealt with the water supply and the second one with waste water collection and treatment. This

part of the project was completed in September 2005.

Within the first set of project activities – water supply – the water supply system at Gora was the most important part of the investment. However, with the construction of a new forebay for Ajdovščina also the Hubelj water supply system was upgraded and main water pipes between the Hubelj spring and the settlement of Lokavec were renovated. In Dolga Poljana a new forebay and a water supply system were also constructed.


Within the first set of project activities approximately 40km of new pipes were constructed and 3 new forebays with total capacity of 900 m3.


The construction of 9km of new sewerage canals, three pumping stations and a treatment plant for the settlement of Col and the villages in the vicinity with the capacity of 500 population units (PU) are the results of the second set of project activities relating to waste water collection and treatment. The main purpose was to protect water sources. This invested  enabled connections to the waste water treatment plant to approximately 3,500 inhabitants in the Municipality of Ajdovščina 3 generating 166,000m of waste water.

In the programming period 2007-2013 the Municipality of Ajdovščina cooperates with three municipalities – City Municipality of Nova Gorica and the municipalities of Brdo and Renče-Vogrsko – and works on the implementation of a project »Mrzlek water source protection and comprehensive drinking water supply of the inhabitants of Trnovsko-Banjška Plateau, Goriška

Brda and the Vipava Valley.«

This project whose total value is estimated at EUR 37.3 million will be co-financed from the Cohesion Fund in the amount of EUR 18.2 million. The remaining funds will be provided from the national and municipal budgets.


By March 2012 when the project is to be completed, a treatment plant will be constructed for Hubelj drinking water, a water station and a treatment plant for Mrzlek drinking water will be modernized and approximately 75km of a pipeline and 11.5km of the sewerage system will be reconstructed or constructed.


Goriška - drinking water
Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy, Kotnikova 5, 1000 Ljubljana

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