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Technical Assistance

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Technical assistance includes support activities which are necessary for a successful implementation of operational programmes in the Republic of Slovenia.

Technical assistance includes support activities which are necessary for a successful implementation of the operational programmes in the Republic of Slovenia.

Technical assistance includes the following essential programme activities:

  • Information and publicity (promotional activities, organisation of events, corporate design, media publications, etc.)
  • Studies and evaluations
  • Management and implementation of the programme (providing the employees suitable conditions for work, organisation of work meetings, educations, translation services, legal and financial counselling in the realisation of tasks, etc.)
  • Employments (pay-checks and the reimbursement of the work-related costs)
  • Computer systems for monitoring and evaluation (financial means for software and hardware for the creation, upgrade and maintenance of the information system for monitoring and evaluation)

The central purpose of technical assistance is ensuring an effective implementation of the operational programme, priorities and priority axes and operations. The activities which will be implemented in the framework of technical assistance will contribute to a greater recognition of the programme and its components, the quality of their implementation, monitoring and control and also contribute to the overall coordination among partners. 


The main objectives of technical assistance are:

  • Ensuring a quality implementation and monitoring of the programme with the preparation and selection of the projects, implementation of studies and evaluations, professional assessments, reports and adequate administrative capacity of the beneficiaries
  • Ensuring coordination and recognition of the programme/priority/priority axis/operation between partners and the general and professional public
  • Ensuring information support for the management, monitoring and reporting 


The beneficiaries of technical assistance are:

  • Internal units of the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology (the Managing Authority and the units implementing the 4th priority within the Operational Programmes for Strengthening Regional Development Potentials)
  • Ministries and government offices included in the implementation of all the three OPs
  • Public funds, public associations and public agencies included in the implementation of all the three OPs
  • Others included in the implementation of all the three OPs


List of all the beneficiaries eligible to the EU funds – technical assistance


Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy, Kotnikova 5, 1000 Ljubljana

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