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Operational Programme for Strengthening Regional Development Potentials

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Operational Programme for Strengthening Regional Development Potentials (SRDP)  represents the implementation document for drawing on the funds from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDP) which is primarily focused on strengthening development opportunities with the objective of promoting competitiveness of the entire economy and reducing development differences between the Slovenian regions. Development initiatives are focused on the projects of general infrastructure, innovations and investments the emphasis being on competitiveness, creation and preservation of sustainable jobs and insurance of sustainable development. Slovenia has 1.7 million Euros at its disposal in the framework of the OP which is about 40 percent of all the available funds for the period 2007–2013. The priority axes are competitiveness and research excellence, economic development infrastructure, integration of natural and cultural potentials, development of regions and technical assistance. The framework of the implementation of the operational programme foresees the principle of sustainable development, emphasis being on the environmental dimension, and the principle of equal opportunities.


The table shows the allocation of funds to priority axes

Priority axis /Main type of activity EU funds 2007-2013   (current prices) in EUR % OP
1. Competitiveness and research excellence  402.133.645  23.5 
2. Economic development infrastructure  396.934.393  23.2 
3. Integration of natural and cultural potentials  263.235.116  15.4 
4. Development of regions  619.442.634  36.2 
5. Technical assistance  28.003.734  1.6 
Altogether  1.709.749.522  100 
Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy, Kotnikova 5, 1000 Ljubljana

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